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Seeking Rehabilitative Alimony In Florida


Alimony is a type of financial support that is paid by one former spouse to another to help him or her maintain the same standard of living that was established during the divorce. There are, however, a number of different types of alimony in Florida, which vary in form, amount, and duration. One common form of spousal maintenance is rehabilitative alimony, which is a type of award that helps a former spouse implement a specific plan to obtain financial independence.

What is Rehabilitative Alimony?

Rehabilitative alimony is one of four types of alimony that can be awarded in a Florida divorce. Like the other types, it is intended to provide financial support, but only until a person becomes self-sufficient. Rehabilitative alimony is only awarded in cases where a person has a specific plan in place. A plan could, for instance, require a former spouse to attend college and obtain a degree, thereby increasing the likelihood of employment in a certain field. The award dictating how much that party will receive, when those payments will be due, and what form they will take can only be decided after a Florida family law judge approves the specific plan.

Rehabilitative Alimony Plans

Rehabilitative alimony plans are usually based on the development or redevelopment of certain skills and credentials, or the acquisition of training, education, or work experience, which are necessary to developing specific employment skills. The end goal of any plan, however, will be to increase the skills or knowledge of the recipient so that he or she can become self-supportive. Common examples of rehabilitative alimony plans are attending college or a trade school, or obtaining a professional license.

Duration of Rehabilitative Alimony Awards

Rehabilitative alimony awards can be modified or terminated based upon:

  • A substantial change in circumstances;
  • Noncompliance with the rehabilitative plan; or
  • Completion of the rehabilitative plan.

By their very nature, rehabilitative alimony awards are not intended to be permanent, but only to remain in place long enough to help a former spouse obtain the education or training necessary to become self-sufficient. Generally, these kinds of awards expire after a certain amount of time, or upon the completion of a particular goal (i.e. graduating from a trade school program). It is, however, possible to modify or terminate rehabilitative alimony before this happens, but only if there has been a substantial change in circumstances, or there is evidence that the recipient is not complying with the court-ordered rehabilitative alimony plan. Finally, a person who is receiving rehabilitative alimony can revisit and modify the plan, establishing a new plan to become self-sufficient. Individuals who take this step can avoid violating their current rehabilitative alimony plans and having their payments terminated early.

Set Up an Initial Consultation Today

If you think that you might qualify for and benefit from an award of rehabilitative alimony, please call experienced Fort Lauderdale alimony lawyer Sandra Bonfiglio, P.A. for an evaluation of your case. You can reach a member of our legal team to set up a free consultation by calling 954-945-7591 today.




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